Property Insurance


Renters insurance

Do you know the true value of all of your belongings – electronics, jewelry, clothing, furniture, appliances, or artwork? Your property is most likely worth thousands of dollars. In the event of a disaster, could you afford to recover all of your belongings? Whether you rent an apartment or a house, it is important to protect your possessions with renters insurance from Nickerson Insurances Services, Inc.


Why Is It Important?


While some large property management companies require tenants to have renters insurance, not all tenants choose to protect themselves from disaster, theft or lawsuit. Renters insurance is extremely important for tenants because despite popular belief, your belongings are not covered under your landlord’s insurance. If your expensive items such as laptops or flat screen TVs were stolen, you would have to incur the cost of loss. With renters insurance, you can recover the value of damaged or stolen items and protect yourself in the case of a liability lawsuit.


How Much Do I Need?


With our help, you will estimate the value of your belongings. The best way to do this is to take a detailed inventory of your possessions. Once you have a list of your possessions, when you purchased them, their original value and their current worth, we recommend you store your inventory list away from the home in a bank safe deposit box. Once you have figured out how much your personal property is worth collectively, you will know how much renters insurance coverage is necessary.

Your belongings are likely worth more than you realize! Protect your possessions and invest in renters insurance from Nickerson Insurance Services, Inc. Renters insurance is the difference between security and disaster!

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